Sunday, October 16, 2011

Founder's Testimonial

If you asked me two years ago that I would be kissing a "pit bull", I would have thought you were insane. My feelings towards "pit bulls" were fueled by news reports, word-of-mouth horror stories and an experience where a neighbor's "pit bull" killed my cat. I was angry. Having never owned an APBT, I was one of those people that questioned, "If they are so bad, why aren't they just exterminated? Just get rid of them."

I was wrong.

[November, 2009 Day we brought her home. My husband, Brandon]

Then there was Paige.
Paige changed my world. A friend from work had a litter of APBT puppies and only had 4 left. She had a picture of the babies, and I saw the little blue and white face looking back at me. My Mother and Father-in law got a registered American Staffordshire Terrier with the same color, and I knew if I showed the picture to my husband, he wouldn't think twice. I remember the night I brought the photo home. Standing at his desk, I held out the photo. The first thing he said, with his logical thinking was, "We already have two dogs." He looked at the picture and like I knew he would, he saw the blue and white one. It wasn't a week later we were visiting my friend's house to see the puppy, her given name, "Echo Spirit".

But my fears about "pit bulls" didn't end with the visit. I had a nightmare the night before we planned to pick the puppy up. Even though we met this carefree, easy-going puppy I was afraid of not being strong enough to handle this dog. This was fueled by news reports like "pit bull mauls child". With a son, who was 6 at the time, I was worried he was going to get hurt, or she would hurt my other two dogs or my two cats.

I was still wrong.

[The cats are the boss. Elliot is on the couch, Paige is playing Mountain Goat.]

Paige is the most lovable dog. From her whip-like tail to her clown smile, she is something special. She is a little girl trapped in a dog-suit. I haven't met a person that has met Paige that didn't like her. Not to mention her intelligence is unmatched. Tricks and training went easy, that is, when I was trained properly. She passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification test, June 2010. Since then, she has made appearances at the public school Summer Care program to educate school-age children about dogs and her training to become a therapy dog. [The cats are the pibble's boss, although when they are fighting, she will police their cat-fights, breaking it up].

What is most important about Paige is that One Pibble changed my outlook and the outlook of all those she encounters.

Paige, whose 'spirit echos', is why I Heart Pibbles.
I Heart Pibbles, Founder

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog through your Facebook page. I have a story a lot like yours. I had never had a Pit Bull or probably even met one but was terrified of them because of the media. Then a friend rescued an APBT from an abusive home and needed a place to keep him temporarily.
    I fell in love with Benny immediately. When he first came into my house he was this terrified dog who would just curl up in a ball on the floor and shake all the time. How could I help but to love him and before long he was definitely mine. I have four cats who he loves and snuggles with. I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a cat.
    Anyway I've had Benny now for 8 years and can't imagine my life without him and want other people to understand the real story about Pit Bulls and how they used to be the ultimate family dog that has only recently been turned into a monster by the media and some awful owners.
    I'm glad you've started this group in Tulsa and look forward to seeing more, both here and on FB.
